Tuesday 15 January 2013

'superficial' self harm

does anyone else hate when the word superficial is used to describe self harm...

sometimes i think if i went to the hospital having chewed a limb off it would still be classed as that...

grinds my gears and i wish they'd stop using that word or get another... 

*I* feel superficial all the time... 

i most certainly don't need told that the things i am doing are so... 

i understand it's the word they use and will continue to do so... 

i just wish it was a different word...

and see the phrase "you have to want to get better"...honest to God, next person who says that will run the risk of seeing a complete hysterical meltdown!! I DO bloody-well want to get better that's why i'm still here...i'm still breathing...i'm still living this half-life...

okay, okay, so i don't go outside anymore or to Mass anymore or, well, eat...but

i am still here!!

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