Saturday, 1 December 2012


American kids are KNOWINGLY brainwashed?!!!
Adverts have been shown IN SCHOOLS in the USA?!!! Apparently "Channel One news network" has been funneling its news into the eyes of MILLIONS of American schoolchildren in 8000 schools for 12 minutes a day -EVERY SINGLE DAY!! And since it can reach 6 MILLION KIDS "Channel One sell 30 second ad-spots for a minimum of $200,000, so that advertisers can reach that most attention-lapsed of markets – the young ‘uns"...

I absolutely can't imagine this happening in the UK ...

AND, WAIT FOR IT...IT'S NOT NEW??!!It's been happening since 1989?!!...was everyone else aware of this (obviously if you're an American buddy you were aware...well, maybe you weren't aware that that's not how folk in my class grew up...Heaven's above there was an outcry when Thatcher took our milk away from us in school...I can't imagine what would happen if they PUT adverts into the classroom here!! Actually...I think I can...I mightn't have kids at school but I have 6 nieces and nephews and enough cousins and other folk's kids that I care about that I'd probably end up spearheading a vendetta against the powers -read idiots- that be)

I can't sleep...this is actually jaw-dropping to me...

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