Thursday 25 April 2013

Inability to stay still -or move

I feel like I have an effervescent inside my stomach, fizzing up; making me manic; making my heart race; making my legs shake; making my whole body twitch.
I try to read -to settle me down- but i can't ... it feels like i need to be moving around, or like something's going to happen, explode -my head, or my insides...I have a feeling of desperation in the pit of my stomach. 
 I can't sleep - i'm not tired - not sleepy, gone beyond that...
 i'd go for a walk -but my ankle's still i crawl and clean where i can reach -til something distracts me and i start that, then i remember i was cleaning; then i remember i was making something...
 so nothing ever gets done, except my knees -they get 'done in' ...i'm in so much pain...everywhere...

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