Tuesday 24 February 2015

Gran ~MAQ

Gran you were an angel
Sent from God above
You set a good example
if patience, joy and love.

God loved His little angel
Mary was her name
and when He called out to her
He was so pleased she came.

He loves you very much
and He of me did ask
To write into a poem
His love for You to grasp.

Dementia took her slowly
She began to grow down in age
Her memories became a muddle
Her mind a great big maze.

Gran always followed His ways
Gently and quietly too
Setting an example
I wish all the world would do

I love my gran and miss her
She did some wonderous deeds
She let His love shine from her
and answered other's needs.

My memories of time spent with her
And radiating Your love from within
Planting seeds of love in other's
Leaves me with a grin

These seeds can grow when planted
In sunshine and in rain
Simply because when they met my gran
She smiled and spoke Your name

She never did this harshly
She simply lived a simple life
Got up, got dressed, made breakfast
Was a loving friend and wife.

The seeds which she helped scatter
Live on and blossom here
She lives with You in spirit
And to me is always near

Gran was a gorgeous angel
She had no wings to view
But here on earth she did Your will
and earned those wings it's true!

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