Wednesday 11 February 2015

Restless heart and silence

I like Blessed Mother Teresa's saying about how "everything grows in silence" on! The past few years have been pretty silent for me and sometimes -as with everyone, I'm sure- downright soul destroying ...
That was a term I used to throw about YEARS ago...but now??...oh, I understand it and do NOT USE IT LIGHTLY!!! 

At this moment, I am mid-fight but on the winning side... I refuse to cut myself or do ANY FORM OF SELF no no INWOLL NOT GIVE IN TO THESE STUPID THOUGHTS...I *used* to feel better when I did it...but I haven't for a great many years now...

I have a working brain at the moment...and...
So, I'm able to post...

Other times..
Meh, not so much...

So many things try to take the peace and quiet away from me...literally -and when it gets to me...I really DO NOT GROW...

My heart is restless...til I turn to the only one who can help me...

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