Friday 6 February 2015

Care provisions being cut

5 years since walking unaided  ...feels WAAY longer though I think perhaps because agoraphobia kicked in and my utter inability to sleep for more than 5hours a day...and they're not joined!...
Haven't left the flat alone for nearly 3 weeks...and that includes the bin chute! 😔

Last Friday I left flat (with support worker, but only after MUCH go into lift, down 2 car to get washing out of car boot and put rubbish in big bin at bottom of flats)!!!

Sorry for the rant.. But how is that helpful!!!?! Rargh!!

Being the "old me" is never going to happen, ok, that's fine -and probably for the best...
But I'd like to be able to ... Not be like this...

My support workers are being removed (because it's "not in the budget")...except the company who help me shower...

Ooooh shower...had an assessment done today...assessor is recommending a wet room, rails at bed and extra buzzers...ummm this was PRIOR to my faceplant/toesmash where I broke toes and screamed...(they're not broken for def -not had X-rays or anything, just giant and purple!)

I'm not going for more X-rays...I'll end up with munchausens written in MASSIVE LETTERS all over my medical records or something...pretty sure the wee one is though-it's black now...

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