Wednesday 27 February 2013

i hate me

I doubt myself constantly -but at least i'm consistant;
i think negatively and over-think...
i hate failing and often "what if" myself right out of doing anything just incase i fail..(some people think it's because i'm a procrastinator or just plain lazy, but it's really because i've worried myself out of doing stuff rather than simply putting it off til later)
i destroy all of the people i come into contact with -so it makes perfect sense to me to just cut folk off and save them the annoyance or heartache or whatever...
i am my own worst enemy and biggest critic,
i am either sad or angry or numb -all the time, sometimes all at once,
Numbness's cure for me is to hurt myself to 'snap out of it' and back into reality -which i'm not even sure this is...
i people please -"how are you" "great thanks"...WHY DO PEOPLE ASK THIS -SO VERY VERY FEW ACTUALLY ARE ENQUIRING...JUST SHUT UP!!!
i comfort eat
i comfort starve
i make myself sick after food -a lot recently
i can
I GO TO EXTREMES -ALWAYS....but i never mean it...

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