Monday, 19 June 2017


You're supposed to not need PIP in the UK because you should BE GETTING YOUR CARE NEEDS MET FOR FREE!!' It makes me so so sad that this is not he case and that the "powers that be" don't see this!!!!


I was getting the same care company as the 95 year old on my floor (I was 25)...I was paying upwards of £25 per hour. The 95 year old was paying £0...

THIS is why they think you need no help financially in terms of applying for PIP.


what they do not do is sit for just a SECOND AND THINK!!

--this woman was getting 3 lots of 30-45minute slots per day. That was not enough to help. She (fortunately for her) has a loving son who would come by EVERY SINGLE WEEK -I was going to write day, but I'm certain there would have been the odd day he couldn't...

She was asked by -and encouraged by- the housing association to use her buzzer and ask for any other help she might need. You see, we live in a high rise (4 skyscrapers are in a giant square round a wee bit of grass, so, it's got a 24hour manned -or womanned HA!- concierge section.

well, my lovely neighbour is like me --we are both too worried that we would cause worry someone else... 

eventually the wardens added us to the "phone call" list. Where someone would buzz us morning and night to check all was ok.

Even with this all in place... I do not walk unaided and am too proud/vain to ask for help I guess. Same for my neighbour. She then had her decision making removed from her and went to a home for the elderly.


the people who have never been in constant need DO NOT see the need as fully as they should -THEY SHOULD DEFINITELY NOT BE IN CHARGE OF MAKING LAWS ABOUT who gets what...

it hurts my heart do so very very much and my head... so I have to shoosh now.


i hope I made some sort of sense  -it started off well (in my head) ...but I fall apart when I try to word it. 

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