Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Side effects

Is it all just greed? 

I've been on 2 in this list for more than 15 years... and a 3rd from the list on several occasions in the same time span..

my mental health now has me thinking I'm overthinking or overreacting about asking about them.

When/if I DO work up courage to ask about them I'm told to shoosh and stop overthinking ... that helps my head none.

Does everyone in the UK feel as though it's pretty much "no second opinion" land -don't get me wrong!! I'd be dead if it weren't for the free healthcare here... I am grateful and lucky and I KNOW THIS ALL TOO WELL --> it adds to my head chaos.

my medication was calculated once, and at that time it cost £34,000 for my medications alone... this was shown to me for some reason and I've been falling apart over that since. I'd love to be medication-free and realise the total burden I am at the moment.

Is everyone else a complete mess and worrier?

I know a doctor SHOULDN'T say daft thoughtless things that make people worse but I feel like I should take it and shut up about it since I'm being such a leach. (The not nice things that have been said I mean, not medication...though perhaps I mean both...I don't really know anymore)

For being so saddened by lives lost all over this world I really struggle to see how mine is valid... 


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