Being fake.
Secrets and lies.
Hiding behind pretend screen names so that there is no accountability.
Evasion and little ‘white’ lies that are still lies.
Pretending and falseness.
Sneaking around.
Deception, dishonesty, distortions.
Evil exaggerations.
Cons and scams
Fraudsters and tricksters.
Planned misinformation.
Bearing false witness.
Fabrications and fiction.
Breaking promises.
Making promises you know you have no intention in keeping.
Fables, fibs, falsifications.
Misleading or misrepresentation of facts.
Intentional inaccuracies.
False pretences.
Defamation, gossip and malice.
Belittlement, backbiting, cattiness and spite.
Stringing others along.
Purposeful inventions and misrepresentations.
Tall tales.
Calling me any of these, implying I do these -particularly if it is implied that I do it on purpose and for my own benefit or as a mind game?
Yeah, that often results in me throwing things -either words or actual physical objects...
Do not call me a liar.
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