Wednesday 25 October 2017

HOW I RELATED BPD with ( 1984 ) Nineteen Eighty Four by GEORGE ORWELL

The following quotes just POPPED RIGHT OUT AT ME:
I know the themes of Nineteen Eighty Four that are taught in schools, well, I know what was taught 20 years when I was at high school...
I do not recall even knowing about personality disorders then; I most CERTAINLY did not have the 'label' of Bordeline Personality Disorder

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."
~This is what goes on in my head day and daily; this is what I fight with about EVERYTHING from ridiculously silly things
(If I go outside and turn left,  I will ruin the day for the people whose paths I cross AND the effects will ripple negatively THUS I should remain silent and inside this room and only burden those whom I've already met and who already worry I will do something stupid OR I should have turned right)
 to great big things
(I should move, since my wheelchair doesn't fit in here BUT if I do I will be worse off and EVEN MORE of a burden plus the flat has already had the adaptation of a wet room and it would be disgusting of me to leave here.)

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