Saturday, 26 February 2022

All the things I did before…

 I’m having a wee panic at my overshare here… 

I apologise…

I lost quite a lot of folk I thought were friends when I started losing my mobility (and by the time I had a rollator I lost my Girlguiding identity too because I couldn’t get to Brownies and Guides anymore -they’re often held in cheapest buildings possible and that can be quite interchangeable with inaccessible … you’d think given that I was originally taking units that met in a high school and had a lift I’d’ve been sorted…but no… the janitor “wasn’t allowed to put it on after school hours” 

So I went to one that met in a different location with my sister returning to Guiding which was fab to have her back …she helped with Rainbows and Brownies and I was helping at Brownies and Guides…

But nobody would open the flat entrance… I fell up outdoor stone stairs twice (once a parent caught me and once I got hurt)…

When we left it was effectively 4 Guiders gone and her 3 girls…

I was really sad. They all missed out…because of me, effectively.

I started questioning my sanity when some folk for whom I’d done a lot in the past who were “devoutly religious” couldn’t/wouldn’t help me work out how to get to Church when I was too feart to ask yet another priest (to be clear I asked 4 different ones and was told they “don’t visit the under 65s” … even though I was housebound that didn’t matter. 

Hey ho and all that… I had my family trying their best whilst trying to live their own lives…

…and then I found Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) who tried (and succeeded in) getting me back outside! And it was at GDA that I met my wife…

Cue that last bunch of folk from before to get a chance to shed me completely…

The ones who would say things like they “can’t be seen to be condoning that kind of relationship” completely obliterated years -and in some cases decades- worth of friendships in the uttering or paraphrasing of a phrase that’s, actually, untrue… if you wrote to a prisoner would you be being seen to be “condoning” their crimes??? The reasoning is faulty.

It doesn’t make being unable to communicate with them hurt less though.

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