Sunday, 23 April 2017

Semicolon Tattoo

My semicolon tattoo -I designed a frog with my eyes so as to incorporate a semicolon (yep, I've got eyes in the shape of a semicolon. 😂)(guess I'm not allowed to lie down to the horribly intrusive thoughts of the world being better off without me?)


I struggle deeply from waking to sleeping and have nightmares about it too... I have little respite from thoughts and memories where I've been told I am not worthy of life and stealing life from others by existing. It is a horrible thing to think of about someone else, least of all say it to them...yet, more than one person in this world has told me so. It's like a wee demon that stays with you and preys upon you.

Mentally, I'm at breaking point too -holding on by fingertips and it seems like some folk are throwing bricks at said fingers...

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