Friday 10 June 2016

This broken world is breaking me

Someone, tell me, how do we fix this world? Why does my heart pound in my ears and my body ache when I see anything anywhere... How did it become 2016 and instead of fighting to live and bring home our kill to merely get by, this world looks to an alien passerby as though it is not going backwards, but...worse than that. SERIOUSLY, why can't we just share all of the world's resources and love... Don't tell me just to pray... It's breaking me and I think the glue from the last time I shattered wasn't as strong as the one before... It REALLY IS THAT SIMPLE. LOVE. If we all ACTUALLY LOVED war would be a strange word in history lessons... How can we be on a planet where people are starving to death and damaged massively from malnutrition whilst others are dying from obesity? I just can't do this.

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