Tuesday 3 May 2016

Yet another UTI and I could just scream

This is ONLY JUST May and I'm in DOUBLE DIGITS for number of UTIs this year... My head is telling me that if I hammer my shin (that's a funny word!) then I won't feel the pain in my vajayjay  so badly...
I can't even type or make sense or do much of anything atm... LOL ATM -that's what people in America call the cash machine outside a bank etc -in Glasgow, and nearby, we call it "the hole in the wall" I kid you not...

Distractions from pain...typing utter gibberish...


  1. How awful to hear about all of the pain you are going through. Double digits of UTIs only five months into the year sounds extremely terrible, I am so sorry you are going through all of that. I truly wish you the best of luck with everything going on and hope that the pain subsides very soon! Cross your fingers!

  2. Have had three more since posting. Your kind words to me, a complete stranger, have made me smile. Thank you.
