Sunday 6 March 2016

No children so my opinions aren't valid?!

I was basically, no...let me start again.

I was flat-out told this.
Actually, I have been told this on more occasions than I can recall...and what with post traumatic stress disorder locking my ass at the moment o don't even want to TRY to recall any that aren't already whipping me right back in time, place and all senses...

I'm not angry about being told this; it just hurts.

I'm 'only' an aunt so all of my nieces and nephews have been told a great many times to simply ignore anything I've said.
It often hasn't been made clear to them that it's only for whatever issue my siblings and I obviously disagree on.

At the moment, I have one niece who is hurting my heart sooooo much! 

She'll just completely ignore me.

She could be about to walk into a wall and I try to help her but she just freaking blanks me!!!!!

Then, today, she ignored something my mum asked of her. I feel dreadful for having that make me feel slightly better!!!!

My head is so warped and twisted.

What a horrible daughter I am!
What a horrible thing to have happened to my mum, and on Mother's Day too!

(Oh but then I'm NOT a mother and today only served to drive their point deeper into my messed up mind!)

I'm sick of being a waste of space.
I'm sick of being a nothing.

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