Monday 7 December 2015

My soul is sad


•you've had the benefit of education (even if you didn't make the best of what you had at the time you had there);

•you have access to the Internet;

•you have some device on which to access this (or access to a device);

•you are LIKELY to have access to money, food, healthcare -even if you wish it were more, better or more quickly;

•you're POSSIBLY able to express your opinion (even if it's under a pseudonym online or only with peers);

•you can see (or possibly only hear) this...(some people never have had these gifts we take for granted too easily);

•you are breathing (even if it is with equipment to help) -we too easily forget some have never made it to their FIRST breath, some parents have never got to hold their baby/babies...some fathers have never known of their children...others have never cared and left scarred and broken children...some children may have been left by both;


~^* Luckier than more than 3/4 of this world AT LEAST...
(I do not like to use sweeping statements or percentages that I haven't researched... I KNOW the percentage is, however, higher than the one I have have used) *^~

My heart breaks for this world and the sadness in it.

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