Thursday 18 December 2014

Help for the lost cause...oh, riiiight...

I've reached that epically horrific moment where my eyeballs are ON FIRE 👀🔥 so much from lack of sleep 😴🚫 that plucking them out doesn't seem completely unreasonable...

Social worker called to say she'd be arriving within 45 minutes this morning; which she did...didn't want her too though...and sister was ignoring texts... So sat with a plaster the whole time going minute-by-minute...

Social worker hates me 😔

SAMH worker arrived as soon as S/W had sat down...

Missed buzzer due to time to put boot on blah blah...

In a nutshell, my support from SAMH will be taken away by March, and halved until then...

What the actual fuck?!

I just wish someone would kill me so my family and friends were left without thinking me s completely selfish bastard.

I hate myself enough for EVERONE EVERYWHERE; I don't need help to be hated...

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