worst day ever..fallen through yet another net...didn't think there were
any more i could possibly fall through...this MUST be rock bottom now..
i bought rope and tied a hangman's knot with 13 loops as required.
like anyone will even bat an eyelid when i'm gone.
there'll be flags out and celebrations.
saving the government from paying me money to get by because i'm too unwell to work.
saving the tax-man's pennies
saving the NHS resources i've been using -GP, doctors(from MANY departments), Crisis team, social work, therapists (who all do nothing but watch me drown anyway)
saving people who call me a 'friend' sometimes from the burden that is me
saving my nieces and nephews from being a constant terrible warning -just one final thing and then that will supersede everything else and they'll get on with things (the longer i'm here, the more they get attached to me... it's best if i do this now, for their sakes too...it will happen eventually anyway hanging around longer is the more selfish option)
saving my mum, dad and siblings from this prolonged burdening and worry...
saving strangers and everyone, everywhere...
...from the burden that is me.
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