Tuesday, 2 October 2012

it just dawned on me...

it just dawned on me that the first time inappropriateness entered my life was more than 21 years ago....21 years man, and i'm a broken shell of a person.

*warning:prepare to be ranted at*

:rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

i wasn't doing ok. :hissyfit:

i was just pretending...but this time it wasn't to everyone else...

i really, really had myself fooled. :doh:

idiot. :surrender:

somebody said to me the other day it was just one step forwards and 2 back but that's still going forward...

i immediately replied that i don't go forward and back but just round and round in circles...

and do you know what's JUST dawned on me?

constantly taking ONE step forward and TWO back??... :eyebrow: ...that's the absolute opposite of going forwards...

that's the most ridiculous expression ever, aside from maybe "smile, it might not happen" -I turned round to a teacher who said that to me once and said "sir, it already has"
(think I was the talk of the staffroom for many years thereafter!)

last week it really really dawned on me how much i wasn't coping after a silly incident :(:angry: that just shattered my mask...

my buddy said a change of scenery would be good...

stupid panic attack a couple of hours ago :)barf at the thought of going to stay with her -she's grand but has 4 wee kids (the eldest is 9, so not THAT little I guess)

anyway, I had explained how worried I was they'd see my old scars...not so old now... :oops: :gaah:

i digress, she said that her brother has scars so they wouldn't be phased and that kids generally aren't phased by much...

i've now over-thought it -well as if seeing 1 grown up in your life with scars mightn't be scarring enough (oh puns!GREAT!)...seeing TWO?? they might start to think of it as a coping mechanism BECAUSE they've seen more than one person go to it.

if someone else were to do that BECAUSE of my influence...urgh... :down:

and then there's sorting clothes (not that i have much), getting hamster into travel thing..bringing his food/bedding/cleaning stuff; my medication (and there are 18 different kinds); my wheelchair, rollator, crutches (though, to be fair, I'd be using one of them and bringing the other 2...); checking, double-checking and triple-checking that everything's switched off (NOTE TO SELF: this time NOT the freakin' fridge!); bringing bath-board; bringing teddy -yeah!I'll be explaining that to her husband how?!!...

NOW THERE'S A NEW THOUGHT...her husband -he's just a lovely man...but still, a man nonetheless... :suspect: = :cry:

my heart's racing again. :bawling:

i can't think about this just now. :tear:

and it's tomorrow she wants to come pick me up..............

switching brain off...

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